Supporting Criminalised Women, Girls, Children and Families…
About Sisters Inside
Established in 1992, Sisters Inside is an independent community organisation based in Queensland, which advocates for the collective human rights of women and girls in prison, and their families, and provides services to address their individual needs. At Sisters Inside, we believe that no one is better than anyone else. People are neither “good” nor “bad” – our environment and life circumstances play a major role in how we behave. Improved opportunities can lead to a major transformation in criminalised women’s lives. Complex factors lead to women and girls’ entering and returning to prison. Criminalisation is usually the outcome of repeated and intergenerational experiences of violence, poverty, homelessness, child removal and unemployment, resulting in complex health issues and substance use. First Nations women and girls are massively over-represented in prison due to the racism at the foundation of systems of social control..
Programs & Services

For Women

For Mums & Kids

For Young People

#Free Her Campaign
This campaign has been set up by Debbie Kilroy, CEO of Sisters Inside Inc. The funds raised will be used to release people from prison and pay warrants so they are not imprisoned.
# of Women Helped
Amount Raised and Rising
Meet Debbie Kilroy
Debbie Kilroy OAM is one of Australia’s leading advocates for protecting the human rights of women and children through decarceration – the process of moving away from using prisons and other systems of social control in response to crime and social issues.
Debbie’s passion for justice is the result of her personal experience of the criminal (in)justice system and an unwavering belief that prison represents a failure of justice. Debbie was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment for drug trafficking in 1989. She witnessed the only murder inside an Australian women’s prison, and was stabbed herself during the incident. Whilst in prison, Debbie lost almost everything: her marriage, her home and her children.

Support Us
Sisters Inside is a dynamic organisation that supports criminalised women and girls, and their children, both inside and outside prison. We have achieved remarkable success in assisting women and their children to develop a safe, secure, violence-free life, and stay out of prison.
You can donate online using your PayPal account or credit card via our secure donation portal. You can donate as much or as little as you like – every little bit helps!