Debbie Kilroy outlines what sparked her to found Sisters Inside, an organisation that assists incarcerated women – and those who have been released – to better cope and move forward in life.
Then in 1989, I was sentenced to 6 years for drug trafficking. It was while I was inside that I witnessed my friend, Debbie Dick, being murdered in the overcrowded (Queensland, Australia) Boggo Road Gaol.
With everything that I saw inside, I grew angrier and angrier – I was angry at the gross injustice and that anger ultimately became a productive force as it spurred a commitment and drive in me to fight against the criminalisation and imprisonment of women and girls.
This drive of mine and the work I cam to do was partly to hour my friend, Debbie, but also to honour every woman and girl who had suffered and/or died at the hands of the prison industrial complex.
Read full article by The Business Woman Media here