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Debbie Kilroy was sentenced to 6 years in prison in 1989 for trafficking drugs. She witnessed her friend get murdered inside and was stabbed herself during the incident. While in prison she lost almost everything, but after extensive studies and her release on parole, she established Sisters Inside which advocates for the human rights of women in the criminal justice system.

Click on the image below to listen to the interview with Russell Manser from The Stick Up.

Debbie Kilroy Abolish Prison

How can you help?

The Sisters Inside Fund for Children supports children of women in the criminal justice system to choose their own future free of the burdens so commonly felt while their mother is in prison.

#Free Her Campaign

This campaign has been set up by Debbie Kilroy, CEO of Sisters Inside Inc.  The funds raised will be used to release people from prison and pay warrants so they are not imprisoned.